Comedy Drama
This comedy narrates the many adventures of a millionaire's handsome, sassy son named Amir - born into a world of privilege, he is used to getting everything he desires. This time his eyes turn to a peerless lady but her untamable will, combined with a sudden rush of plucky hoodlums, makes his task harder than first thought. Will he prevail or will he be in for a rude awakening?
Directed by
Arash Moayyerian
Written by
Payman Maadi
Payman Maadi
Mohammadreza Golzar
Amir Moradian
Atila Pesyani
Amir's Father
Amin Hayaei
Mahnaz Afshar
Ahmad Ahmadi
Hadis Fouladvand
Hossein Hosseini

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