Comedy Drama
In 1914, a cruise ship sets sail from Naples to spread the ashes of beloved opera singer Edmea Tetua near Erimo, the isle of her birth. During the voyage, the eclectic array of passengers discovers a group of Serbian refugees aboard the vessel. Peace and camaraderie abound until the ship is descended upon by an Austrian flagship. The Serbians are forced to board it, but naturally they resist, igniting a skirmish that ends in destruction.
Directed by
Federico Fellini
Freddie Jones
Peter Cellier
Sir Reginald J. Dongby
Barbara Jefford
Ildebranda Cuffari
Colin Higgins
Il capo della polizia
Jonathan Cecil
Maurice Barrier
Elisabeth Kaza
La produttrice
Elisa Mainardi
Teresa Valegnani
Janet Suzman
Edmea Tutua
Fred Williams
Sabatino Lepori
Norma West
Lady Violet Dongby Albertini
Pina Bausch
Principessa Lherimia
Paolo Paoloni
Il Maestro Albertini
Claudio Zucchet
Sailor (uncredited)
Alessandro Partexano
Umberto Zuanelli
Primo maestro Rubetti
Fiorenzo Serra
Il Granduca
Victor Poletti
Aureliano Fuciletto
Sarah-Jane Varley
Gianni Di Segni
Boiler Room Worker (uncredited)
Pasquale Zito
Il Conte di Bassano
Linda Polan
Ines Ruffo Saltini
Philip Locke
Il Primo Ministro
Vittorio Zarfati
Secondo maestro Rubetti
Claudio Ciocca
Secondo di bordo
Antonio Vezza
Il capitano
Domenico Pertica
Christian Fremont
Marielle Duvelle
Helen Stirling

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