The continuing adventures of Matsuzaki (Eiji Okuda), a racing tipster for a sports paper. In this sequel to 1993's The Wicked Reporter, Matsuzaki befriends a mysterious old bettor at the track named Tokudaiji (Kei Sato). The man turns out to be a well-connected millionaire and invites Matsuzaki to his home... While the sequel covers the familiar territory of gambling and gangsters, Mochizuki also attempts to tactfully approach such subjects as gender dysphoria, transvestism, and infidelity.
Directed by
Rokurō Mochizuki
Chikako Aoyama
Koichi Ueda
Eiji Okuda
Kei Satō
Tatsuo Yamada
Shin Ishikawa
Mari Yagisawa
Yasuko Ichinose

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