Drama Romance
A retired professor of American origin lives a solitary life in a luxurious palazzo in Rome. He is confronted by a vulgar Italian marchesa and her lover, her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend, and forced to rent to them an apartment on the upper floor of his palazzo. From this point on his quiet routine is turned into chaos by his tenants' machinations, and everybody's life takes an unexpected but inevitable turn.
Directed by
Luchino Visconti
Claudia Cardinale
Professor's Wife (uncredited)
Burt Lancaster
Silvana Mangano
Marquess Bianca Brumonti
Dominique Sanda
Professor's Mother (uncredited)
Helmut Berger
Konrad Huebel
Umberto Raho
Police Inspector Bernai
Stefano Patrizi
Jean-Pierre Zola
Lorenzo Piani
Romolo Valli
Enzo Fiermonte
Police Inspector
Claudia Marsani
Lietta Brumonti
Louise Vincent
Guy Tréjan
Art Dealer
Margherita Horowitz
Vittorio Fanfoni
Valentino Macchi
Philippe Hersent
Elvira Cortese
George Clatot

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