Drama Romance Sci-Fi
Two young men, one in need of medical attention, are cryogenically frozen in the early 1960s. The two are preoccupied with the fact that the police are pursuing them to realise what they are doing. The next thing they know is that they are in a strange new world (thirty years on).
Directed by
W.D. Richter
Written by
Mark Andrus
Kyle Secor
Leland Shakes
Peter Gallagher
Bob Freeman
Janeane Garofalo
Counter Girl
Marcia Gay Harden
Joy Husband
Luce Rains
Duane Gardener (as Steven Schwartz-Hartley)
Ross Malinger
Little Donald Freeman
Brian Wimmer
Willie Husband
Donald Hotton
Dr. Chris Underwood
Colleen Flynn
Jessica Husband
Richard Steinmetz
Donald Freeman
John Prosky
Officer Tom Bostich
Bo Brundin
Dr. Dan Chilblains
Cassy Friel
Little Jessica Husband
Pat Finn-Lee
Alexandra Root

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