Drama Thriller Horror
Martin Durnley is a young man with an infantilizing mother, resentful stepfather and an institutionalized brother with Down's syndrome. To cope, he retreats into an alternate child personality he calls Georgie. After being caught during a theft attempt at a department store, he befriends a female customer who is sympathetic to him, but his friendship soon turns into obsession.
Directed by
Roy Boulting
Hayley Mills
Susan Harper
Thorley Walters
Sir John Forrester
Frank Finlay
Henry Durnley
Timothy Bateson
Mr. Groom
Timothy West
Superintendant Dakin
Richard Davies
'Taffy' Evans
Billie Whitelaw
Joan Harper
Marianne Stone
Store Detective
Basil Dignam
Phyllis Calvert
Enid Durnley
Christian Roberts
Philip Harvey
Barry Foster
Gerry Henderson
Hywel Bennett
Martin (Georgie) Durnley
Gretchen Franklin
Russell Napier
Professor Fuller
Salmaan Peerzada
Shashie Kadir

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