Mystery Thriller Drama Romance
After a whirlwind romance in Mexico, a beautiful heiress marries a man she barely knows with hardly a second thought. She finds his New York home full of his strange relations, and macabre rooms that are replicas of famous murder sites. One locked room contains the secret to her husband's obsession, and the truth about what happened to his first wife.
Directed by
Fritz Lang
Joan Bennett
Celia Lamphere
Natalie Schafer
Edith Potter
Donna Martell
Young Mexican Girl (uncredited)
Anne Revere
Caroline Lamphere
Julian Rivero
Proprietor (uncredited)
Houseley Stevenson
Andy (uncredited)
Paul Cavanagh
Rick Barrett
James Seay
Bob Dwight
Tom Chatterton
Judge (uncredited)
Barbara O'Neil
Miss Robey
Frank Dae
Country Squire (uncredited)
Donald Kerr
Ticket Man (uncredited)
Michael Redgrave
Mark Lamphere
Virginia Farmer
Levender Falls Wife (uncredited)
Marie Harmon
Sub-Deb (uncredited)
Anabel Shaw
Intellectual Sub-Deb
Herschel Graham
Guest in Home Tour (uncredited)
Pedro Regas
Waiter (uncredited)
Virginia Brissac
Sarah (uncredited)
Nolan Leary
Station Agent (uncredited)
Ralph Brooks
Guest in Home Tour (uncredited)
Eddy Waller
Lem (uncredited)
Crane Whitley
Levender Falls Husband (uncredited)
Paul Scardon
Owl Eyes (uncredited)
Paul Fierro
Fighter (uncredited)
Bob Reeves
Guest in Home Tour (uncredited)
Frank O'Connor
Train Conductor (uncredited)
Jesse Graves
Train Porter (uncredited)
Rosa Rey
Mark Dennis
David Lamphere
Ray Beltram
Townsman (uncredited)
Albert Cavens
Guest in Home Tour (uncredited)
David Cota
Small Mexican Knife Fighter (uncredited)
Harry Denny
College President (uncredited)
Watson Downs
Conductor (uncredited)
Danny Duncan
Ferret-Faced Man (uncredited)
Robert Espinoza
Alter Boy (uncredited)
Maria Haro
Townswoman (uncredited)
Ralph Littlefield
Gothic Man (uncredited)
Hans Moebus
Guest in Home Tour (uncredited)
Kay Morley
Sub-Deb (uncredited)
Peggy Remington
Dean of Women (uncredited)
Tony Rodriquez
Alter Boy (uncredited)
Wayne C. Treadway
Beefy Man (uncredited)
Lucio Villegas
Priest (uncredited)

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