Animation Family
What happens when an entire town forgets the true spirit of the Christmas season? It’s up to Santa and a delightful cast of North Pole characters to help them remember! In this festive Elf Pets® animated special, Santa discovers there is not enough Christmas spirit for him to make Christmas magical. Thankfully, The Elf on the Shelf® Scout Elves, Santa’s special Elf Pets® St. Bernard pups and a big-hearted family join forces to help others remember the true meaning of Christmas and ensure another successful holiday season for Santa!
Directed by
Chanda Bell
Written by
Chanda Bell
Lauren Revard
Joy Sugar Cookie (voice)
Dean Balkwill
Jonah (voice)
Brad Hyland
Santa Claus (voice)
Kendyl Bell
Kendyl (voice)
Tommas Oden
Clueless Elf (voice)
Jordan Holroyd
Christa (voice)
Jordan Oldknow
Brandon (voice)
Joe Peery
Legend and Lore Elf Joe (voice)
Walker Wichmann
Brandon (voice)

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