Mystery Thriller
Unremarkable at first glance, the murders in different parts of the city lead a young investigator named Sergei into a maze of dirty old secrets. For a long time, Sergei can't understand the motives or thought process of the criminal. But one detainee gives him a good hint: the scenario of the killer's actions inexplicably resembles the plot of the cartoon "About the Silly Winky-String", which is shown on TV in the city of N. The intrigue grows, and as the murders continue, the events take on an increasingly sinister tinge.
Directed by
Konstantin Timofeev
Gennady Turantaev
Dmitry Kovalsky
Vitaly Shchukin
Natalya Sleptsova-Koryakina
Andrey Koryakin
Galya Vinograd
Valentina Yakimets
Dmitry Argunov
Liza Gazizova
Andrey I

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