Comedy Thriller
Crazy? A maniac? Or the devil, clothed in the flesh of a cyber fighter, dreamed of by sixteen-year-old Lisa, who is obsessed with computer games? The cast-iron manhole cover is shifted, and Someone comes out of the infernal depths of the basement… That night, in the walls of the old confectionery factory, the virtual becomes real… That night, the deserted workshops turn into labyrinths of a tough game that Lisa has to play ... games without rules. GAMES WHERE "EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE"…
Directed by
Dushan Gligorov
Written by
Amet Magomedov, Aleksey Kolmogorov
Anastasiya Pronina
Yevgeni Tsyganov
Richard Bondarev
Aleksey Panin
Vladimir Steklov
Nina Ruslanova
Yuriy Maslak
Natalya Tetenova
Sergei Chugin
Vasily Frolov
Oleg Moguchev

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