Animation Drama
In the suburbs of Tokyo, a group of six girls have played together at the park since they were little, but eventually have to switch schools. Before they leave, they plan to make a time capsule, but are unable to do so. The story follows the girls four years later as they meet again.
Directed by
Akiyo Ohashi
Written by
Kei Fujita
Kanae Itou
Iku Amakumo (voice)
Kimiyo Rikutsu
Yuuka Shiroishi (voice)
Yurina Takahashi
Nagisa Takada (voice)
Ayaka Okamoto
Kotone Oosu (voice)
Nozomi Okada
Mahiru Aki (voice)
Sayumi Sebori
Akari Oosumi (voice)

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