Nando, a young horse wrangler in a rural Mexican village, has taken his own life following a disagreement with his father. Caballerango shows the boy’s family members and townspeople as they reckon with the new realities borne out of this inexplicable tragedy. Each account of Nando’s story reveals a different aspect of this rural town, which is deeply affected by modernization. The confrontation between the centuries-old ways of life and the modern-day world seems to be creating serious identity crises among the younger generation. The story is told in a patient, observational style with methodical shots of the landscape, ranches, and of the two white horses, whom Nando and his father tended to. Those horses, the last to see Nando alive, connect us to an ethereal sensation of almost otherworldly mystical beings.
Directed by
Juan Pablo González
José Bolaños Becerra
María Isabel Espejo López
Verónica Bolaños Espejo
Fernanda Bolaños Espejo
José Bolaños Espejo
Jesús Bolaños Becerra
Cuca Bolaños Becerra
Humberto Rodríguez Serrano
José Rodríguez Ramírez
María Concepción Hernández
Teresa Méndez
Braulio Contreras Llamas
Juan Carlos Rodríguez Serrano
Salvador Rodríguez Serrano
Marcos Godíndez Becerra
Jesús Villalobos

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