Comedy Romance TV Movie
Elizabeth is the star of a successful cooking show and author of several cookbooks. But when her manager, Alexander sees forest ranger Jefferson, who lost his cabin in a fire, comment on TV about wishing he could get a home-cooked Christmas dinner, he arranges for a special live show on Christmas, for Elizabeth to cook him Christmas Dinner. Only Elizabeth can't cook, and trying to keep Jefferson and the viewing public from finding out on a live show may be a little difficult.
Directed by
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Man in Chair in Front of Media Truck (uncredited)
Kris Kristofferson
Jefferson Jones
Dyan Cannon
Elizabeth Blane
Tony Curtis
Alexander Yardley
Richard Roundtree
Jimmy Workman
Kevin / Anthony
Sonny Carl Davis
Captain Marsh
Kelly Cinnante
Gene Lythgow
Bob Braun
Sam Simon

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