Sci-Fi Horror
In 1970, three children are born at the height of a total eclipse. Due to the sun and moon blocking Saturn, which controls emotions, they have become heartless killers ten years later, and are able to escape detection because of their youthful and innocent facades. A boy and his teenage sister become endangered when they stumble onto the bloody truth.
Directed by
Ed Hunt
Joe Penny
Mr. Harding
K.C. Martel
Timmy Russel
Michael Dudikoff
William Boyett
Billy Jayne
Curtis Taylor
Julie Brown
Beverly Brody
Susan Strasberg
Miss Viola Davis
Ellen Geer
José Ferrer
Bert Kramer
Sherriff James Brody
Cyril O'Reilly
Lori Lethin
Joyce Russel
Ward Costello
Mr. Taylor
Ben Marley
Duke Benson
Melinda Cordell
Mrs. Brody
Elizabeth Hoy
Debbie Brody
Sylvia Wright
Girl in Van
Erica Hope
Annie Smith
Andrew Freeman
Steven Seton

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