Mystery Drama TV Movie
Captain Eloïse Gentil, of Caen police, hasn't been on speaking terms with her father Robert, an expert on WWII, for twenty years. But the two are brought together to investigate the death of James Crawley, a 91 year-old former GI, found tied to a pole and in his uniform, apparently executed "as an example".
Directed by
Claude-Michel Rome
Written by
Claude-Michel Rome
Claire Chazal
Evelyne Leroy-Vidal
Emile Feltesse
Subsitut du procureur
James Gerard
Matt Richardson
Claire Borotra
Eloise Gentil
Véronique Royer
Médecin légiste
Léopold Bara
Gendarme n°2
Pierre Deny
Pierre-Yves Kerdal
Stéphane Pezerat
Marc Brindivic juge d'instruction
François Rabette
Capitaine Gilles Marchand
Élizabeth Macocco
Louise Kieffer
Raphael Desprez
Erwan Kerdal 1944
Sylviane Goudal
Anne Maréchal
Jean-François Balmer
Jacques Marechal
Marie-Bénédicte Roy
Infirmière chef
Michel Jonasz
Robert Gentil
Tony Le Bacq
Adjudant local
Frédéric Amico
Loïc Jourdan
Damien Leconte
Eric Largier
Coralie Audret
Gwenaelle Leroy-Vidal
Philippe Jouan
Prêtre Abbaye
Samuel Desfontaines
Bruno Pereyrat le témoin
Nicolas Thiery
Officier T.I.C.
Quentin Demon
James Jonathan Crawley 1944
Benjamin Hubert
Maurice Leroy 1944
Jean-Charles Lenoel
Médecin 1998
Marine Huet
Mariane Leclerc
Jean-Christian Basset
James Jonathan Crawley
Sophie Le Ca
Gendarme n°1

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