Comedy Sci-Fi TV Movie
In the midst of an evacuation effort, True World Forces agent Weed must secure an alien spacecraft suspected to have crashed somewhere in the city. But after Weed meets the ship's beautiful, shape-shifting pilot, he finds himself falling for her. As the two grow close, Weed struggles to determine where his true loyalties lie.
Directed by
Amos Poe
Bai Ling
Amelia A
Tom Kenny
Joe Blow
David Rasche
Stephen Baldwin
Nicholas Worth
Alexis Arquette
Richard Speight Jr.
Rebel #1
Barbara Alyn Woods
Amelia E
Cindy Morgan
Greg Wrangler
TWF #1
Sam Scarber
General Mills
David Millbern
Medic #1
Borovnisa Blervaque
Amelia C
Afifi Alaouie
Amelia B
Jennifer MacDonald
Amelia D

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