Animation Sci-Fi Crime Mystery War
It is the second year of the Kowa Period. The world has unified around the reorganize United Federation of Nations, and has enjoyed days of continuing peace, but now, that peace suddenly comes to an end. Suzaku, while travelling as the masked man "Zero" accompanying Nunnally on her visit to the refugee camp, is defeated by a mysterious Knightmare Frame, and the two of them are taken away. Following secret orders from Schneizel, Kallen, Lloyd and Sayoko infiltrate Zilkistan, the Land of Warriors, where they are attacked by a mysterious Geass user. There in Zilkhstan is a person named C.C., known to the assailants as the "former master". In the indomitable kingdom which once conquered even the great army of the Holy Britannian Empire, what do the people desire? Hope, or despair? The people of Zilkhstan Palace certainly know of Geass. What are they, and C.C., planning?
Directed by
Goro Taniguchi
Akio Otsuka
Volvona Forgner (voice)
Satomi Arai
Sayoko Shinozaki (voice)
Kaori Nazuka
Nunnally vi Britannia (voice)
Kenjiro Tsuda
Swaile Qujappat (voice)
Keiko Toda
Shamna (voice)
Takahiro Sakurai
Suzaku Kururugi (voice)
Nobunaga Shimazaki
Shesthaal Forgner (voice)
Ayumu Murase
Shalio (voice)
Jun Fukuyama
Lelouch Lamperouge (voice)
Wataru Takagi
Belq Batoum Bitool (voice)
C.C. (voice)
Ami Koshimizu
Kallen Kouzuki (voice)
Tetsu Shiratori
Lloyd Asplund (voice)
Tatsuya Suzuki

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