Thriller Drama Mystery Fantasy
British Air Marshal Hardie is attending a party in Hong Kong when he hears of a dream, told by a pilot, in which Hardie's flight to Tokyo on a small Dakota propeller plane crashes on a Japanese beach. Hardie dismisses the dream as pure fantasy, but while he is flying to Tokyo the next day, circumstances start changing to align with the pilot's vivid vision, and it looks like the dream disaster may become a reality.
Directed by
Leslie Norman
Michael Hordern
Michael Redgrave
Air Marshal Hardie
Denholm Elliott
Fl. Lt. McKenzie
Bill Kerr
Richard Davies
Wireless Operator
Alexander Knox
Owen Robertson
Victor Maddern
The Engineer
Nigel Stock
The Pilot
Ralph Truman
Percy Herbert
George Rose
Sheila Sim
Mary Campbell
Ursula Jeans
Mrs Robertson
John Fabian
Alfie Bass
The Soldier
Philip Vickers
David Orr
The Co-Pilot
Hugh Moxey
Nicholas Stuart
Robert Bruce

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