Romance Comedy
Cintia is modern princess, she's connected, decided and loves music. This "pop" princess used to live with their parents in a huge castle with a nice view to the city. Every night she looked through the window and watch the view dreaming with a prince she didn't met yet. But one day her castle crumbles with everything around her, after her parents divorce she went to live with her aunt and stops believing in love. What she didn't knew was that there was a charming prince in her history, that wanted to break the ice around our modern day cinderella.
Directed by
Bruno Garotti
Giovanna Grigio
Kiria Malheiros
Gisele Rocha
Filipe Bragança
Freddy Prince
Sergio Malheiros
Elisa Pinheiro
Helena Dorella
Letícia Pedro
Graziele Rocha
Maisa Silva
Cintia Dorella
Leo Cidade
Fernanda Paes Leme
Patrícia Rocha
Bárbara Maia
Marcelo Valle
César Dorella
Isabel Fillardis
Miriam Freeland
Ana Dorella
Matheus Costa

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