Documentary TV Movie
A captivating and vertiginous documentary on the relations between man and machines, in the heart of the laboratories where the humanoids of tomorrow are invented. We are on the eve of a revolution, that of the humanoids. These robots with a human face are more and more efficient: they walk, see, hear, speak - They look like two drops of water, are ready to enter our lives, our homes, and are even capable of learn about our own condition. Roboticists believe that, in ten years, androids will be part of our daily lives as well as individual computers. Are we ready?
Directed by
Bruno Victor-Pujebet
Written by
Marc Felix
Jacques Gamblin
Narrator (French)
Hiroshi Ishiguro
Maryam Alimardani
Madoka Nishibori
David Levy
Katsuhiko Maruo
Abderrahmane Kheddar
Hisashi Ishihara
Minoru Asada
Marc Felix

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