Horror Drama
A young couple, Mary and PJ, are kidnapped in their own home by a sadistic clown who wants to break their spirits and sell them into servitude to a cult of wealthy deviants. Mary holds onto her humanity through trial after trial, desperately looking for a way to escape her torment and rescue PJ from his own madness. But time is running out -- and auction day is coming...
Directed by
Scott Schirmer
Ellie Church
Mary / The Doll
Alyss Winkler
The Mantis
Brian Papandrea
Jock Face
Jason Crowe
PJ / The Dog
Dave Parker
Charlie / The Henchman
Kevin Roach
The Preacher
David Hancock
The Doctor
Adam 'Mickey' McAndrews
Dog #2
Emily Solt McGee
The Interviewer

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