Family Adventure Drama
Grandmother Maria, Sam and the riding instructor Kaan are trying together to keep Gut Kaltenbach running, which is in financial difficulties. The ambitious Isabell supports her, although she secretly pursues her own goals. The impulsive Ari comes to riding training in Kaltenbach, where she develops a special relationship with Windstorm, the eponymous horse of the film series, and she also makes friends with Mika. Mika and Ari try to save the estate and protect Windstorm from reckless horse trainer Thordur Thorvaldson.
Directed by
Theresa von Eltz
Written by
Lea Schmidbauer
Luna Paiano
Hanna Binke
Lili Epply
Detlev Buck
Dr. Anders
Amber Bongard
Nina Kronjäger
Elisabeth Schwarz
Sabin Tambrea
Thordur Thorvaldson
Meret Becker
Cornelia Froboess
Mikas Großmutter
Tilo Prückner
Herr Kaan
Henriette Morawe
Tinka Anders
Timo Dierkes
Michael Grimm
Lisa Karlström
Marvin Linke
Ruth Hamm
Marion Alessandra Becker
Andreas Wolf

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