Family Animation Action Adventure
The alarm has sounded and the Pontypandy crew is off to rescue their friends and others in need. From engine sparks and wild fireworks to water rescue and more, you won't want to miss these adventures with your favorite hero, Fireman Sam!
Directed by
Clint Butler, Gary Andrews
Written by
Paul Larson, Laura Beaumont
John Barrowman
Flex Dexter (voice)
Nigel Whitmey
Moose Roberts (voice)
Kerry Shale
Don Sledgehammer (voice)
Alex Lowe
Joe Sparkes / Ben Hopper (voice)
Jo Wyatt
Hannah Sparkes (voice)
Steven Kynman
Fireman Sam / Elvis Cridlington / Norman Price / Derek Price / Charlie Jones / Truck Driver (voice
David Carling
Station Officer Steele / Chief Fire Boyce / Tom Thomas / Trevor Evans (voice)
Su Douglas
Dilys Price / Mandy Flood / Helen Flood (voice)
John Hasler
Arnold McKinnley / James Jones (voice)
Tegwen Tucker
Penny Morris / Sarah Jones (voice)
Harriet Kershaw
Ellie Phillips / Bella Lasagna (voice)
Chris D'Silva
James Jones (voice)

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