Romance TV Movie
Katie, a former professional ice skater, is hired by the king of San Senova, Alexander, to help his daughter in a Christmas ice skating performance. As Katie spends time in the castle and with the king, she and Alex begin to develop feelings for each other and ultimately fall in love. But will the tradition-loving people of San Senova allow their king to make a foreigner their queen?
Directed by
Peter Hewitt
Written by
Rick Garman, Joie Botkin
India Fowler
Princess Christina
Antonio Aakeel
Merritt Patterson
Brittany Bristow
Esh Alladi
Geraldine Fitzgerald
Aunt Patricia
Andrew Cooper
King Alexander
Nicholas Banks
Reece Griffin
Linda Marshall Miller
Ice Rink Manager
Zsolt Kerekes
Skating Choreographer
Ingrid Pricop
Double Christina

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