Drama Thriller
After a wild one-night stand, successful sports agent Derrick Tyler watches his perfect life slowly disappear when he discovers the sexy and mysterious woman he risked everything for is determined police detective Valerie Quinlan who entangles him in her latest investigation. As he desperately tries to put the pieces together, he falls deeper into her trap, risking his family, his career, and even his life.
Directed by
Deon Taylor
Written by
David Loughery
Danny Pino
Carter Heywood
Michael Ealy
Derrick Tyler
Hilary Swank
Det. Valerie Quinlan
Mike Colter
Rafe Grimes
Tyrin Turner
Tyrin Abenathy
Denise Dowse
Derrick's Mom
Jeff Wolfe
Lexa Gluck
Carter's Trophy Wife
Sam Daly
Officer Stallman
Geoffrey Owens
Bill Cranepool
Damaris Lewis
Tracie Tyler
Sasha Golberg
David Hoflin
Officer Lowe
Chic Daniel
Kali Hawk
Ashley LaRae
Cocktail Waitress
Oakley Bull
Haley Older / Haley Younger
Jason Sweat
Stephen O'Mahoney
Uniformed Police Officer
Hajin Cho
Ian Stanley
First Officer
Johann Sebastian
Bold Guy
Lance Stephenson
Sports Star Cameo
Stephanie Elam
TV Reporter
Compton Menace
Marina Freeman
Friend #1
David Anderson
Friend #2
Tristan Henry

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