Comedy Fantasy Romance
Mrs. Topper's friend Mrs. Parkhurst has convinced Mrs Topper to file for a divorce from Cosmo due to the strange circumstances of his trip with ghost Marion Kirby. Marion comes back from heaven's door to help Cosmo again, this time only with dog Mr. Atlas. Due to a strange behavior of Cosmo, the judge refuses to divorce them, so Mrs. Parkhurst takes Mrs. Topper on a trip to France where she tries to arrange the final reasons for the divorce. With help of a gold-digging French baron, Marion takes Cosmo to the same hotel to bring them back together and to get her own final ticket to heaven, but the whole thing turns out to be not too easy.
Directed by
Norman Z. McLeod
Cary Grant
George Kerby (archive footage)
Irving Pichel
Bess Flowers
Lady in Casino (uncredited)
Leon Belasco
Verree Teasdale
Mrs. Nancy Parkhurst
Bobby Barber
Hotel Staffer Moving Bed (uncredited)
George Davis
French Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Roland Young
Cosmo Topper
Paul Hurst
Charlie - the Bartender
Eddie Conrad
Constance Bennett
Marion Kerby
Alan Mowbray
Wilkins - Topper's Butler
Ben Taggart
Policeman in Bank (uncredited)
Armand Kaliz
Hotel Clerk
Billie Burke
Mrs. Clara Topper
Mr. Atlas
Wade Boteler
Police Sergeant in Bank (uncredited)
Franklin Pangborn
Louis - Hotel Manager
Alexander D'Arcy
Baron de Rossi
Spencer Charters
Georges Renavent

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