Comedy Drama Family Romance
When two very unique and diverse families with 7 kids each collide, they find laughs, music, love, and a few answers about what it means to be a not-so-normal American family in the 21st century.
Directed by
Harley Wallen
Written by
Nancy Oeswein
Tara Reid
Stevie Hawkins-White
Kaiti Wallen
Miss Anderson
Dennis Haskins
Sam Bennett
Chevonne Wilson
Sugar Cane
Calhoun Koenig
Pearl Song
Colleen Gentry
Walker Fairbanks
Mike Nickels
Harley Wallen
Cole Bennett
Aphrodite Nikolovski
Susan Song
Victoria Mullen
Grandma Song
Morgan Nimmo
Janis Bennett
Arielle Olkhovsky
Beatrix Song
Joseph Ouellette
Frank Bennett
Dennis Marin
Dylan Bennett
Aleksandra Luca
Jules Song
Evan Keoshian
Miles Bennett
La'Kenya Howard-Luster
Toni Song
Da'Mya Gogoua
Emily Song
Rees Curran
Theodore Song
Cailey Nicole Brown
Billie Bennett
Cayleigh Brown
Billie Bennett
Maya Patel
Jimmie Bennett
Janellyn Woo
Etta Bennett
Lucas Yessayan
Paolo Song
Angelina Danielle Cama
Velly Hay
Phillip Shaun DeVone
Vickie Lynn Smith
Lauren Carlini
Solo Dancer

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