Animation Action Adventure Drama Mystery
Control — the Commonwealth's covert ops group — suspects a double agent within the Kingdom's royal family and dispatches Ange and the rest of "Team White Pigeon" to discover the truth.
Directed by
Masaki Tachibana
Miyuki Sawashiro
7 (voice)
You Taichi
Dorothy (voice)
Aoi Koga
Ange (voice)
Takayuki Sugo
L (voice)
Akira Sekine
Princess (voice)
Nobuo Tobita
Bishop (voice)
Takaya Hashi
Duke of Normandy (voice)
Takumi Yamazaki
Colonel (voice)
Akari Kageyama
Beatrice (voice)
Nozomi Furuki
Chise (voice)
Hiroyuki Honda
Dollyshop (voice)
Yuuko Iida
Gazelle (voice)

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