Drama TV Movie
The story of Leroy "Satchel" Paige, the legendary pitcher, from his barnstorming days in the 1920s, hoping to break into organized "negro" baseball, to his emergence at age 43 in the major leagues with the Cleveland Indians the year after Jackie Robinson broke baseball's color barrier.
Directed by
Richard A. Colla
Written by
Ronald Rubin
Jim Davis
Mr. Wilkenson
Louis Gossett Jr.
Leroy 'Satchel' Paige
Beverly Todd
Lahoma Brown Paige
Ossie Davis
Chuffy Russell
Jimmy Hawkins
Taylor Lacher
Hal Williams
Carl Roberts
John Beradino
Jake Wells
Cleavon Little
Rabbit Thompson
Clifton Davis
Cool Papa Bell
J.R. Horne
Mr. Andrews
Don Blakely
Tonea Stewart
Mama Paige
Gloria Gifford
Cullen G. Chambers
Sportswriter (uncredited)
Candy Ann Brown
Ernie Barnes
Josh Gibson
Donnie Walker
Sugar Boy Porter
Leopoldo Mandeville
Earle Willoughby
Dizzy Dean
Colia LaFayett
Mrs. Parker
Milton Stafford
Young Satchel
James Unger
Wilson Paige
Lawrence Johnson
Bobby Angelle
Bubba Phillips
Coach Hardy
Jim B. Smith
White Batter
James Michael Bailey
Brad Kesten
Leroy 'Satchel' Paige
Ronald Rubin

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