Animation TV Movie Action Comedy Crime
As Lupin's mentor Don Dolune lies on his deathbed, he hands the master thief a gift, the diamond named Twilight. Though it's only half the treasure — the other half of the Twilight can be found in Morocco. Lupin must contend with his on-again-off-again-partner Fujiko, his feelings for the mysterious Lara, and the relentless whip-wielding maniac Sadachiyo in order to bring Twilight back to its full glory.
Directed by
Gisaburō Sugii
Written by
Hideki Mitsui
Takayuki Sugo
Jean Pierre (voice)
Yu Shimaka
Shopkeeper (voice)
Eiko Masuyama
Fujiko Mine (voice)
Kanichi Kurita
Arsène Lupin III (voice)
Tetsuo Kanao
Zora (voice)
Koichi Kitamura
Hikari (voice)
Aya Hisakawa
Lara (voice)
Makio Inoue
Goemon Ishikawa XIII (voice)
Gorō Naya
Inspector Koichi Zenigata (voice)
Shūichirō Moriyama
Dolune (voice)
Nachi Nozawa
Sadachiyo (voice)
Hisako Kyoda
Old Woman (voice)
Kiyoshi Kobayashi
Daisuke Jigen (voice)
Yuzuru Fujimoto
Captain (voice)
Eken Mine
The Elder (voice)
Yoshiko Suzuki
Lady (voice)

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