Romance Drama
Tessa Young is a dedicated student, dutiful daughter and loyal girlfriend to her high school sweetheart. Entering her first semester of college, Tessa's guarded world opens up when she meets Hardin Scott, a mysterious and brooding rebel who makes her question all she thought she knew about herself -- and what she wants out of life.
Directed by
Jenny Gage
Josephine Langford
Tessa Young
Inanna Sarkis
Molly Samuels
Hero Fiennes Tiffin
Hardin Scott
Peter Gallagher
Ken Scott
Jennifer Beals
Karen Gibson
Meadow Williams
Professor Soto
Selma Blair
Carol Young
Dylan Arnold
Noah Porter
Pia Mia
Samuel Larsen
Zed Evans
Swen Temmel
Paul Fox
Soccer Game Announcer
Byron Wigfall
Mark Axelowitz
Economy Professor
Shane Paul McGhie
Landon Gibson
Shannon Mayers
Chris Kontopidis
Rebecca Lee
Sarah Jorge León
Astronomy Teacher
Khadijha Red Thunder
Steph Jones
Matthew Ezell
Professor Ezell

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