Action Adventure
Hyunjun and Sawoo, close friends and rivals from the South Korean special forces, are recruited by the secret agency NSS. They both fall for Seunghee, the beautiful but lethal profiling specialist at NSS. When they are faced against each other in a nuclear terrorist attack, they are forced to make their final decision and Seunghee's formidable secret is revealed.
Directed by
Yun-ho Yang, Kim Kyu-tae
Written by
Choi Wan-gyu, Kim Hyeon-jun, Kim Jae-eun, Jo Gyu-won
Choi Seung-hyun
Kim Tae-hee
Lee Byung-hun
Kim Hyun-jun
Karen Miyama
Yoon Je-moon
Park Sang-hyeon
Ryu Seung-ryong
Leader of IRIS Mercenaries
Kim So-yeon
Kim Seon-hwa
Jeong Jun-ho
Jin Sa-woo
Kim Seung-woo
Park Cheol-yeong
Hyun Jyu-ni
Yang Mi-jung

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