Drama Romance
Alex Owens, a teen juggling between two odd jobs, aspires to become a successful ballet dancer. Nick, who is her boss and lover, supports and encourages her to fulfil her dream.
Directed by
Adrian Lyne
Ron Karabatsos
Jake Mawby
Monique Gabrielle
Stripper (uncredited)
Jennifer Beals
Alex Owens
Robert Wuhl
Mawby's Regular
Michael Nouri
Nick Hurley
Cynthia Rhodes
Tina Tech
Ted Grossman
Lee Ving
Johnny C.
Frank Pesce
Mawby's Regular
Belinda Bauer
Katie Hurley
Matt Landers
Mawby's Regular
Lucy Lee Flippin
Louie Elias
Wayne 'Frosty Freeze' Frost
Frosty Freeze
Stacey Pickren
Lilia Skala
Hanna Long
Malcolm Danare
Micole Mercurio
Rosemary Szabo
Steve Price
Mawby's Regular
Marc Lemberger
Mr. Freeze
Philip Bruns
Frank Szabo
Kyle T. Heffner
Sunny Johnson
Jeanie Szabo
Durga McBroom
Debra Gordon
Dancer at Repertory
Tony De Santis
Ann Muffly
Woman at Hanna Long's
Don Brockett
George Robotham

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