Drama Romance
I am a teacher! And you are a student! During school days, the first girl Daebeom fell in love with was a practice teacher. He hit on her daringly but she did nothing but treat him like a child. Grown up Daebeom always wants to see her again and one day he heard news that she will attend this alumni reunion. Daebeom decides to seduce her at the reunion. I should sleep with her!
Directed by
Seung Woo Jin
Jeong Yoon-I
Young Da-yeong
Ji Eun-seo
Eun-joo (은주)
Yoon Se-na
Teacher Da-yeong
Yoon Sul-hee
Jae-soon / Jennie
Kim Si-eon
Ji-hye (지혜)
Lee Cheol-hee
Tae-beom (태범)
Jung Myung-seo
Ju-ho (주호)
Min Joon
Byung-sik (병식)

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