Mystery Drama
A wealthy Italian household is turned upside down when a handsome stranger arrives, seduces every family member and then disappears. Each has an epiphany of sorts, but none can figure out who the seductive visitor was or why he came.
Directed by
Pier Paolo Pasolini
Terence Stamp
The Visitor
Ninetto Davoli
Angelino, the Messenger
Massimo Girotti
Paolo, the Father
Silvana Mangano
Lucia, the Mother
Laura Betti
Emilia, the Servant
Anne Wiazemsky
Odetta, the Daughter
Carlo De Mejo
Lucia's first lover
Giovanni Ivan Scratuglia
Lucia's second lover
Andrés José Cruz Soublette
Pietro, the Son
Adele Cambria
Emilia, the Second Servant
Luigi Barbini
Boy at the station
Alfonso Gatto
Susanna Pasolini
Old Peasant (uncredited)

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