Drama Romance
John owns the largest chain of five and ten cent stores in the country. He moves his family to New York from Kansas City and their life, though grand, is falling apart due to his constant working. Wife and mother Jenny is lonely. Son Avery hates his job. Daughter Jennifer is snubbed by classmate Muriel and her friends. At a charity bazaar, Jennifer meets Berry and sparks are evident. However, he is engaged to Muriel and Muriel will make sure that she, and only she, marries Berry. After the marriage, Berry still thinks of Jennifer as Jennifer thinks of Berry. Avery laments about the state of his family since they were happy in Kansas City.
Directed by
Robert Z. Leonard
Halliwell Hobbes
Hopkins (uncredited)
Richard Bennett
John Rarick
Douglass Montgomery
Avery Rarick
Carl Stockdale
Doctor at Bedside (uncredited)
Henry Armetta
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
George Irving
Mr. Brooks (uncredited)
Marion Davies
Jennifer Rarick
Leslie Howard
Berry Rhodes
Wilson Benge
Wilson (uncredited)
Margaret Mann
Weeping Woman (uncredited)
William H. O'Brien
Duncan (uncredited)
Theodore von Eltz
Ramon (uncredited)
Bill Elliott
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Irene Rich
Jenny Rarick
Maude Turner Gordon
Dowager (uncredited)
Arthur Housman
Piggy - Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Ruth Selwyn
Midge (uncredited)
Mary Duncan
Muriel Preston
Wilbur Mack
Dedication Guest (uncredited)
Broderick O'Farrell
Doctor (uncredited)

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