Action Western Music Comedy
After Pat Garrett kills Billy the Kid, Billy's look-alike Roy Rogers arrives and is mistaken for him. Although a murderer, Billy was on the side of the homesteaders against the large ranchers. As Billy's death is unknown, Roy gets Garrett to let him pose as Billy to continue the fight, but without the killing.
Directed by
Joseph Kane
Roy Rogers
Roy Rogers
Morgan Wallace
J. B. Morganson
Edwin Stanley
Nathaniel Moore
Dorothy Vaughan
Robert McKenzie
Smiley Burnette
Frog Millhouse
Lynne Roberts
Ellen Moore (as Mary Hart)
Jim Corey
Lloyd Ingraham
Horace Murphy
Mr. Miller - Homesteader
Wade Boteler
Sheriff Pat Garrett
Joseph Crehan
U.S. Marshal Dave Conway
Fred Kohler
Robert Emmett Keane
Mr. Page
Bruce MacFarlane
Ray Nichols

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