Horror Thriller
A series of murders occur that mirror those committed by the Whitechapel Ripper. Through his experiments with psychoanalysis Dr Pritchard discovers a deadly violence in one of his young female patients. As he delves into the recesses of her mind he uncovers that Anna is possessed by her dead father's spirit, willing her to commit acts of gruesome savagery over which she has no control. But the most chilling revelation of all is the identity of her father: Jack the Ripper himself.
Directed by
Peter Sasdy
Eric Porter
Dr. John Pritchard
Derek Godfrey
Lynda Baron
Long Liz
Norman Bird
Police Inspector
Jane Merrow
Angharad Rees
Marjorie Rhodes
Mrs. Bryant
Dora Bryan
Mrs. Golding
Marjie Lawrence
April Wilding
Margaret Rawlings
Madame Bullard
Barry Lowe
Mr. Wilson
Elizabeth MacLennan
Mrs. Wilson
A. J. Brown
Rev Anderson
Anne Clune
1st Cell Whore

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