History War Drama Action Adventure
The Warrior Queen of Jhansi tells the true story of Lakshmibai, the historic Queen of Jhansi who fiercely led her army against the British East India Company in the mutiny of 1857. From Queen Elizabeth to Queen Victoria, two-and- a half-centuries of East India Company rule will be reversed by its attempt to crush India’s Warrior Queen. Lakshmibai is known as one of the most prominent figures within the independence movement of India. The passion to free her province from colonial rule led this young woman to become one of the greatest generals of the Indian army, and to go down in history for her bravery, strategic acumen, and as a force to reckon with by the East India Company and the British Raj. The Warrior Queen of Jhansi is the story of the woman who lived and fought for the freedom of her people.
Directed by
Swati Bhise
Written by
Devika Bhise, Swati Bhise, Olivia Emden
Jodhi May
Queen Victoria
Rupert Everett
Sir Hugh Rose
Derek Jacobi
Lord Palmerston
Nathaniel Parker
Sir Robert Hamilton
Milind Gunaji
Gangadhar Rao
Arif Zakaria
Gaus Khan
Nagesh Bhonsle
Bakshish Ali
Devika Bhise
Rani Lakshmibai
Ben Lamb
Major Robert Ellis
Ajinkya Deo
Tatya Tope
Auroshikha Dey
Jhalkari Bai

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