Drama Adventure
Roddy, first son of the rich Berwick family, is expelled from school when he takes the blame for his friend Tim's charge. His family sends him away and all of his friends leave him alone. Through many life choices that don't work out in his favor, Roddy begins to find his life slowly spiraling out of his control.
Directed by
Alfred Hitchcock
Ivor Novello
Roddy Berwick
Constance Collier
Dance Hall Lady with Purse (uncredited)
Isabel Jeans
Ian Hunter
Ben Webster
Dr. Dawson
Annette Benson
Robin Irvine
Tim Wakeley
Alf Goddard
Hannah Jones
Norman McKinnel
Sir Thomas Berwick
Violet Farebrother
Jerrold Robertshaw
The Rev. Henry Wakeley
Lilian Braithwaite
Lady Berwick
Sybil Rhoda
Sybil Wakeley
Barbara Gott
Madame Michet
Daisy Jackson
The Seductive Waitress (uncredited)

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