Animation Family
Bamse's friends go on a quest to find the Thunderbell, the ingredient that makes Bamse strong. Meanwhile, the sly Reinard pretends to be a good guy to supplant Bamse as the hero of the town and win the affections of Mickelina.
Directed by
Christian Ryltenius
Written by
Fabian Nordlander, Tomas Tivemark
Peter Haber
Bamse (voice)
Tomas Bolme
Narrator (voice)
Bianca Kronlöf
Mickelina Räv (voice)
Morgan Alling
Lille Skutt (voice)
Rolf Lydahl
Reinard Räv (voice)
Ia Langhammer
Farmor (voice)
Steve Kratz
Skalman (voice)
Andreas Rothlin-Svensson
Kubbe Varg (voice)

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