Adventure Crime Mystery
"Bulldog" Drummond is vacationing in his country home in England, and his house if rifled by two thieves. After they leave he finds a card marked with some mysterious letters. Doris Meredith comes by the next day, pretending her car has broken down. Drummond knows better but plays along with her. Drummond calls Scotland Yard Inspector Holmes, and is informed that some of the letters comprise the code-name for a Yard-man who disappeared while carrying some diamonds from France to England. Doris tells Drummond the man is her brother. Drummond uses a decoy to lure the thieves out of hiding, but they adduct Doris.
Directed by
Sidney Salkow
Written by
Herman C. McNeile
Anita Louise
Doris Hamilton / Doris Meredith
Holmes Herbert
Scotland Yard Inspector McIvar
Leonard Mudie
Lester Matthews
Shannon Eskdale
Ron Randell
Captain Hugh 'Bulldog' Drummond
Terry Kilburn
Seymour - Cub Reporter
Patrick O'Moore
Algy Longworth (as Pat O'Moore)

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