Romance Comedy
Raku Ichijo (Kento Nakajima) is an only son and a high school student. His father is the leader of yakuza group Shuei-gumi. Raku Ichijo doesn't like to fight and he studies hard. His dream is to become a public official. One day, he passes the entrance gate at his high school and is kicked inadvertently by Chitoge Kirisaki (Ayami Nakajo). She is a new transfer student at the school. Chitoge Kirisaki is the only daughter of a rival gang leader. To keep the peace between the rival gangs led by their fathers, Raku Ichijo and Chitoge Kirisaki decide to act as boyfriend and girlfriend. --asianwiki
Directed by
Hayato Kawai
Written by
Shota Koyama, Noriaki Sugihara
Marika Matsumoto
Kyoko Nichihara
Kento Nakajima
Raku Ichijo
Ayami Nakajo
Chitoge Kirisaki
Yuta Kishi
Shu Maiko
Shin Takuma
Ryo Kato
Tomomi Maruyama
Hana Kawamura
Ruri Miyamoto
Jiro Dan
Natsumi Ikema
Kosaki Onodera
Kaede Aono
Seishiro Tsugumi
Chitoge's bodyguard
Haruka Shimazaki
Marika Tachibana
Kana Okada

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