Animation TV Movie Comedy Adventure Crime
The Lupin gang is once again dragged onto a wild treasure hunt! This time, the objective is a mysterious, small dragon statue that even Goemon's steel-rendering blade Zantetsuken cannot cut. The artifact, which once eluded even Lupin the Third's esteemed grandfather, rests deep undersea inside the infamous Titanic, and is the key to unlocking the mystery of Zantetsuken's almighty strength. A wealthy gangster, Lupin, and Goemon all want the statue for themselves!
Directed by
Masaharu Okuwaki
Written by
Nobuaki Kishima
Additional Voices
Naoko Matsui
Kikyō (voice)
Hiroshi Naka
Additional Voices
Kiyoshi Kobayashi
Daisuke Jigen (voice)
Eiko Masuyama
Fujiko Mine (voice)
Gorō Naya
Inspector Koichi Zenigata (voice)
Banjo Ginga
Gensai (voice)
Akemi Okamura
Additional Voices
Additional Voices
Yasuo Yamada
Arsène Lupin III (voice)
Sayuri Sadaoka
Additional Voices
Kazuhiro Nakata
Additional Voices
Koji Ochiai
Additional Voices
Junpei Takiguchi
Chin Chin Chū (voice)
Makio Inoue
Goemon Ishikawa XIII (voice)
Yasuo Iwata
Additional Voices

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