Drama Comedy
The tragicomedy of the absurd, is based on the works of Daniil Kharms (1905-1942). Trying to recreate reality 30s, who came to the flowering of creativity Harms, the director plays the style of filming, acting at that time and enters into the picture, "the aged" sound. Thus, it is possible to achieve maximum reliability of the author's text and sound to help the viewer to immerse themselves in the atmosphere in which he lived and worked classic absurdity. This is - a world of illusions, allusions and associations, reflecting a stream of consciousness of the creator living in an era of silence.
Directed by
Dmitri Frolov
Mark Nahamkin
Natalya Surkova
Марья Ивановна
Dmitriy Shibanov
Aleksey Zakharov
Yevgeniy Souhonenkov
Aleksey Frolov
the man in black

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