Fantasy Animation Family
14-year-old Arrietty and the rest of the Clock family live in peaceful anonymity as they make their own home from items "borrowed" from the house's human inhabitants. However, life changes for the Clocks when a human boy discovers Arrietty.
Directed by
Hiromasa Yonebayashi
Kirin Kiki
Haru (voice)
Shinobu Ôtake
Homily (voice)
Bridgit Mendler
Mirai Shida
Arrietty (voice)
Tatsuya Fujiwara
Spiller (voice)
Keiko Takeshita
Sadako Maki (voice)
Tomokazu Miura
Pod (voice)
Shin'ichi Hatori
Postman (voice)
Ryunosuke Kamiki
Shou (voice)

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