Comedy Romance
At “Prom,” every couple has a story and no two are exactly alike. As the big dance approaches for Nova Prescott, it’s a battle of wills as she finds herself drawn to the guy who gets in the way of her perfect prom. Fellow seniors Mei and Tyler harbor secrets, while others face all the insecurity and anticipation that surrounds one of high school’s most seminal events.
Directed by
Joe Nussbaum
Written by
Katie Wech
Cameron Monaghan
Corey Doyle
Danielle Campbell
Simone Daniels
Dean Norris
Frank Prescott
Kofi Siriboe
Kylie Bunbury
Jordan Lundley
Christine Elise
Sandra Richter
Raini Rodriguez
Tess Torres
Aimee Teegarden
Nova Prescott
Amy Pietz
Corey's Mom
Joe Adler
Jere Burns
Principal Dunnan
Faith Ford
Kitty Prescott
Jonathan Keltz
Brandon Roberts
Carlease Burke
Rhoda Wainwright
Nicholas Braun
Lloyd Taylor
Yin Chang
Mei Kwan
Thomas McDonell
Jesse Richter
Jared Kusnitz
Justin Wexler
DeVaughn Nixon
Tyler Barso
Robbie Tucker
Charlie Richter
Blair Fowler
Nolan Sotillo
Lucas Aman
Janelle Ortiz
Ali Gomez
Chloe Little
Janel Lundley
Britney Bailey

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