Drama History
Young Cabiria is kidnapped by pirates and sold as a slave in Carthage. Just as she's to be sacrificed to Moloch, Cabiria is rescued by Fulvius Axilla, a good-hearted Roman spy, and his powerful slave, Maciste. The trio are broken up as Cabiria is entrusted to a woman of noble birth. With Cabiria's fate unknown, Maciste punished for his heroism, and Fulvius sent away to fight for Rome, is there any hope of our heroes reuniting?
Directed by
Giovanni Pastrone
Soava Gallone
Lidia Quaranta
Cabiria (Adult)
Francesca Bertini
Bartolomeo Pagano
Pina Menichelli
Italia Almirante-Manzini
Sophonisba - Hasdrubal's Daughter
Carolina Catena
Cabiria (Chlld)
Gina Marangoni
Dante Testa
Umberto Mozzato
Fulvio Axilla
Raffaele di Napoli
Bodastoret - the Innkeeper
Emilio Vardannes
Edoardo Davesnes
Alex Bernard
Siface "Syphax" - King of Cirta
Luigi Chellini
Scipione "Scipio" - the Consul
Vitale Di Stefano
Massinissa - the Numidian King
Enrico Gemelli
Ignazio Lupi

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