Comedy Action Crime
Ruggero, a meek young man, impulsively robs a bank to prove to his ex-wife that he is courageous and masculine. A police investigation engulfs everyone except our unassuming hero who is completely ignored. Through a set of hilarious coincidences, he gets away with the robbery, while corrupt bank officials take the fall for what looks like an inside job.
Directed by
Marco Serafini
Written by
Marco Serafini, Vince Villani
Julian Sands
Officer Jonta
John Hannah
Elio Sironi
Anthony LaPaglia
Gaetano Lolli
Federico Castelluccio
Sante Casoria
Julian Nest
Claire Johnston
Mrs. Landoni
Luke Allen-Gale
Ruggero Levati
Hana Sofia Lopes
Giulia Levati

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