Drama Romance
Romanian-French gigolo Georges Iscovescu wishes to enter the USA. Stopped in Mexico by the quota system, he decides to marry an American, then desert her and join his old partner Anita, who's done likewise. But after sweeping teacher Emmy Brown off her feet, he finds her so sweet that love and jealousy endanger his plans.
Directed by
Mitchell Leisen
Written by
Charles Brackett, Billy Wilder
Charles Boyer
Georges Iscovescu
Paulette Goddard
Anita Shaughnessy
Brian Donlevy
Movie Actor (uncredited)
James Flavin
Immigration Guard (uncredited)
Walter Abel
Inspector Hammock
Veronica Lake
Movie Actress (uncredited)
Rosemary DeCamp
Berta Kurz
Olivia de Havilland
Emmy Brown
Nestor Paiva
Donald Douglas
Joe (uncredited)
Harry Shannon
American Immigration Official (uncredited)
John Hamilton
Mac - Studio Receptionist (uncredited)
Gertrude Astor
Young Woman in Bar (uncredited)
Edward Fielding
American Consul (uncredited)
Madeleine Lebeau
Victor Francen
Van Den Luecken
Richard Webb
Movie Actor in Role of Jeff (uncredited)
Curt Bois
Carlos Villarías
Mexican Judge (uncredited)
Leon Belasco
Mr. Spitzer (uncredited)
Karin Booth
Girl at Desk (uncredited)
Kitty Kelly
American Lady at Bullfight (uncredited)
Chester Clute
Man in Climax Bar (uncredited)
Arthur Loft
Mr. Elvestad
Stephen Chase
Cop in Patrol Car (uncredited)
Charles Arnt
Mr. MacAdams
Soledad Jiménez
Old Peón's Wife (uncredited)
Eric Feldary
Josef Kurz
Jean Phillips
Nurse at Desk (uncredited)
Billy Lee
Micheline Cheirel
Frank Dae
Horace - Elderly Kiwanis Gentleman (uncredited)
Young Mexican Bridegroom (uncredited)
Gordon De Main
Immigration Guard (uncredited)
Henry Roquemore
Clarence - Driver of Car (uncredited)
Mikhail Rasumny
Buddy Messinger
Hospital Elevator Operator (uncredited)
Mitchell Ingraham
Kiwanis Group Member (uncredited)
June Wilkins
Vivienne Worthington (uncredited)
Ella Neal
Bride (uncredited)
Eva Puig
Norman Ainsley
Waiter with Tray (uncredited)
George Anderson
Emmy's Doctor (uncredited)
Bobby Callahan
Child (uncredited)
Russ Clark
Cop in Patrol Car (uncredited)
Jimmie Dundee
Policeman (uncredited)
Martin Faust
Gas Station Attendant (uncredited)
Antonio Filauri
Mexican Priest (uncredited)
Harold Landon
Studio Tour Guide (uncredited)
Francisco Marán
Mexican Doctor (uncredited)
Mrs. Wilfrid North
Elderly Kiwanis Gentleman's Wife (uncredited)
Tony Roux
Third Mechanic (uncredited)
Jesús Topete
Second Mechanic (uncredited)
Sonny Boy Williams
Sam (uncredited)

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